Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Himerge updated

Today I have released new code (bringing new features and bugs fixes) for himerge; though the development has been very slow (and stopped) lately because I have been busy with other stuff, I have always took some of my free time to work around himerge during the last months. The main difference between this code and the previous version is that this one starts supporting ghc6.6 and the new gtk2hs API.

These are also some of the other major changes introduced on the code:
  • Added a new tool-bar layout.
  • Use flag browser improved.
  • Package branch browser improved.
  • Removed the 'clean' option.
  • Added mozilla support into the main 'Package Information' view to show the eix search result on html/css. So we can directly visit the listed homepage of the package, among other possible things, like for example, to visit html documentation about himerge (not yet implemented) straight from this view.
  • Fixed some bugs on the main tree-views.
  • From a developer point of view (not visible to the user): added type signature to most of the functions, fixed some warnings, and part of the code re-written for easier reading.
  • And many more!
Since there were so many changes ; I decided to start another darcs repository from scratch and change its name to himerge-darcs/ , to clearly state this is the darcs version of the package; since i hope to start releasing tarball packages versions soon.

Download this newcode using:
darcs get --partial

There also exist a snapshot of the previous darcs version on himerge-009 (this version compatible with ghc6.4 and gkt2hs 0.9.10); it is highly recommended to stop using this version though.

You can check out the himerge temporary web-site at my projects site ; please, read those instructions on the site and the readme.txt file before using himerge. I also updated its ebuild on the Gentoo Haskell overlay, try it out with 'emerge himerge-darcs'.

This isn't yet a final release ; therefore I encourage everybody to play with caution and report any bug ; mainly if it will come with patches :-)


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